julio 06, 2009

La "bruja" de Monterrery

La grabacion de un objeto extraño flotando sobre unos cerros en monterrey se suma a las declaraciones de un par de policias que individualmente relatan haber tenido por separado cada quien una experiencia con algo o alguien con un sombrero amplio y terminacion en punta, vestido con una tunica, plumas y garras tambien fueron mencionados.

junio 21, 2009

Hand Tracking on Wii

Using an IR led array and some reflective tape, you can track fingers in thin air using the Wii Remote by Johnny Chung Lee, Carnegie Mellon University. The grid software is a custom program written using a C# wiimote library and DirectX. More information about the grid software can be found at

My PC is a SNES !!!

||| All images here|||

mayo 02, 2008

The Angry Video Game Nerd Ep. 25 "Super Mario Bros 3 and The Wizard"

The Angry Video Game Nerd Ep. 24 "Super Mario Bros 3 and The Wizard"

The Angry Video Game Nerd Ep. 24 "Super Mario Bros 3 and The Wizard"

The Angry Video Game Nerd Ep. 24 "Super Mario Bros 3 and The Wizard"

The Angry Video Game Nerd Ep. 23 "Double Vision Pt. 1"

The Angry Video Game Nerd Ep. 22 " Double Vision Pt. 1"

The Angry Video Game Nerd Ep. 22 " The Wizard of Oz"

The Angry Video Game Nerd Ep. 22 " The Wizard of Oz"

Mario Galaxy Wii Console Mod

Mario Galaxy Wii Console Mod

Wii graphics

Wii graphic capability.

Mario 64 meets Half Life 2

Mario 64 meets Half Life 2